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February 2007
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Background music for this podcast provided courtesy of the Charlie Hunter Trio and Ropeadope Records

Follow the links below to purchase this track!

Charlie Hunter Trio
Cueball Bobbin

A portion of the sales from this page will be used to pay for hosting fees. The Live Music Podcast thanks you in advance for your support!

This episode I am featuring a very special Christmas edition of the podcast.   Unfortunately I was unable to find any solid recordings of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, but I think what I have will be equally as festive.  This episode features music coming from Warren Haynes' 19th Annual X-Mas Jam in Asheville, North Carolina. 

The X-Mas Jam began on December 29th, 1989 as a way to bring together local musicians to play once a year for charity.  This tradition has continued ever since and this year's iteration once again brings great musicians together to benefit the Asheville chapter of Habitat for Humanity.

The jam may have started with local musicans but this year's lineup featured some big name bands including Jackson Browne, G. Love, Bruce Hornsby, Stockholm Syndrome, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, Peter Frampton, and of course Warren Haynes and Gov't Mule.
In case you were hoping for some traditional Christmas songs this set will probably let you down, fortunately for you the Neil Diamond Christmas Album is available at  Instead, this concert features some very talented musicians and some wicked jams...feel free to enjoy it with a glass of eggnog though.

Song listing
1) G. Love & Friends - X-Mas Blues
2) Grace Potter - Watching You
3) Stockholm Syndrome - Couldn't Get It Right
4) Bruce Hornsby - Rainbow's Cadillac
5) Gov't Mule - Goin' Out West (with Bang A Gong)
6) Jackson Browne - Patriot
7) Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like I Do

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the shows.
G. Love & Friends - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Stockholm Syndrome - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Bruce Hornsby - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Gov't Mule - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Jackson Browne - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07
Peter Frampton - Asheville, NC - 12/15/07

Also available from are soundboard recordings of Gov't Mules sets here.

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!

Gov't Mule
Live...With a Little Help, Vol. 2
  Grace Potter
This is Somewhere
  Stockholm Syndrome
Holy Happy Hour
  Jackson Browne
Best Of
    Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes

Bruce Hornsby
The Way It Is
  Peter Frampton
Frampton Comes Alive
  G. Love
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes  

If you are in Asheville next year around December there is a very good chance that there will a 20th Annual X-Mas Jam. You can find information for that when it becomes available and also check out some of the previous X-Mas jams at

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_016.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:29pm EST

Looking back on the past 14 episodes there is one general theme that comes to mind and that is Sausage Fest. The LMP has been severely lacking in female musicians, so far there has been half of Rodrigo y Gabriela and a few female guest performers here and there. That all changes with this episode where I will be featuring singer/songwriter Tristan Prettyman.

I often refer to Tristan's music as a female version of Jack Johnson. I'm not sure if this is due to the relaxing acoustic melodies that they both share or that Tristan also grew up as a competitive surfer. Regardless, they are two of my favorite musicians to listen to when I want to kick back and relax.

Tristan's live shows are primarily a solo affair, but this concert also features Jen Lowe on percussion which really helps fill out her songs. This concert was taped at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City on February 05, 2006. Thanks goes out to Christopher Jones for recording it.

Song listing

1) Guest Check
2) Smoke
3) Love, Love, Love
4) Evaporated
5) Please
6) Live Forever
7) Simple As It Should Be

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show.
Tristan Prettyman - New York, NY - 02/05/06  

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Twenty Three   Love
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Tristan Prettyman's main website is currently under heavy construction but you can get details on tours and other info at her Myspace page. If you'd like to hear some more live Tristan check out her guest appearance with G. Love and Special Sauce at his January 1, 2007 concert.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:54pm EST

Some kind soul out there has put together a Dave Matthews Band Best of 2007 Compilation which I am highly recommending for all DMB fans to download. The compilation, titled "Little Things To Get You By", includes 7 CDs worth of music totally 85 tracks. These include some rare cover songs such as Melissa and Black Water, all the new songs from this tour, lots of old favorites, and a few rarities like #34 and Halloween.

Dave Matthews Band - Best of 2007 Compilation

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 8:45pm EST

If you have been listening to the Live Music Podcast for a while this is probably already apparent, but I try to mix up the musical styles quite a bit. Last episode featured the electronic sounds of Daft Punk and this time I am featuring the bluesy jam band Gov't Mule.

Known by some as the Mule, this band has been together since the mid nineties and has built up a very loyal fan base. Musically their songs aren't a great fit for most radio stations so they remain relatively unknown to the majority despite their immense amounts of talent.

The concert I am featuring was played at the Voodoo Lounge in Kansas City on November 1st of this year. I almost got tickets to this and after listening to the recording I really am kicking myself for not going. Fortunately for me the recording is absolutely flawless and props go out to the mystery taper who posted it on

Song listing

1) Bad Little Doggie
2) Mr. High and Mighty
3) The Angel Band
4) Gold Dust Woman
5) Where's My Mule
6) Same Thing

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show.
Gov't Mule - Kansas City, MO - 11/01/07  

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Live At Roseland Ballroom 1995   The Deep End, Vol. 1
  Live...With A Little Help From Our Friends
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Gov't Mule is currently touring so check tour dates here

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_014.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 6:52pm EST

The music for this episode comes from this year's Vegoose festival held in Las Vegas. For the past 3 years the same crew that puts on Bonnaroo Festival has been throwing a Halloween music and arts festival of the same vein, minus the camping. I've never been to it personally but each year I try to download some of the sets that were fortunate enough to be taped (LMP Fact: the first episode featuring Dave Matthews and Tim Reyonlds was from Vegoose 2006!).

This year I was pleasantly surprised to find Daft Punk's Vegoose performance hosted on If you are a fan of electronic or house music you've probably heard of them, but recently they made a huge jump into the mainstream music scene when Kayne West sampled their track on his song "Stronger". The video for "Stronger" also features an homage to the band. For the past decade most if not all of Daft Punk's public performances and interviews have been held with them in robot suits which are similar to the ones piloting the spacecraft in Kayne's the video.

I was not aware of this until putting together this podcast, Daft Punk will be releasing a new live album titled Alive 2007 on December 4th, 2007. So if you enjoyed the Vegoose show I expect the live album to be very similar since it will contain the duo's performance in Paris from their Alive 2007 tour.

Song listing

1) Robot Rock
2) Oh Yeah
3) Harder Better Faster Stronger
4) Burnin’
5) Too Long
6) Da Funk
7) Daftendirekt
8) Superheroes
9) Human After All
10) Together
11) One More Time

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show.
Daft Punk - Las Vegas, NV - 10/27/07  

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Alive   Musique, Vol. 1
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Direct download: livemusicpodcast_013.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

U2 is one of those bands that really doesn't require much of an introduction, but I just have a couple things to say about my selection for Episode 12.  This concert took place during the beginning of U2's Joshua Tree tour which coincided with the release of probably their most legendary CD.

With the worldwide success of the CD and tour, U2 was catapulted from mere super band to mega band status and have only continued upward since.  This recording is easily one of the best sounding that I have heard and the set list covers many of their biggest hits during that period.  While there is nothing like seeing a U2 performance live, here is a recording that gives you the next best thing without having to stand in line for hours to get tickets.

Song listing
1) Where The Streets Have No Name
2) I Will Follow
3) Trip Through Your Wires
4) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
5) In God's Country
6) Sunday Bloody Sunday
7) Bad
8) With Or Without You

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show. You will need to have a user account to complete this download.
U2 - Rosemont, IL - 04/29/87  

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
The Joshua Tree   Best of 1980-1990
  Rattle and Hum (Live)
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It's tough to say when the next U2 tour will be but it will probably be posted here when it happens.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_012.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:01pm EST

Episode #11 of the Live Music Podcast brings another unique style of music somewhat like the last episode. In this episode I am featuring a band called Rodrigo y Gabriela made up of Rodrigo Sanchez and Gabriela Quintero.  This duo's musical style is something of a combination of mariachi and heavy metal, which might make them the only band on the planet to do so. All of their songs are strictly acoustic and instrumental, played on a pair of classical guitars. Amazingly they are able to play in such a way that you would swear that there is someone else playing percussion instruments with them. Regardless of how you describe their style I find Rodrigo y Gabriela's music very energetic and uplifting, the musical equivalent to a box of Red Bull.  

Taper: calrust
Source: Schoeps CCM4 > Sonosax > Edirol R-09 at 24bit/48k

Song listing
1) Ixtapa
2) Juan Loco
3) Unknown
4) Unknown
5) One
6) Diablo Rojo

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show. You will need to have a user account to complete this download.
Rodrigo y Gabriela - Santa Cruz, CA - 04/27/07  

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Rodrigo y Gabriela   Live Manchester and Dublin
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They are currently touring so check for tour dates here

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_011.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:55am EST

The 10th Episode of the Live Music Podcast is here and with it comes a genre of music that has been missing from previous episodes. The genre I am talking about is Southern Rock and the band is the Black Crowes. The show that I will be playing comes from Red Rocks Amphitheater near Denver, CO and was recorded September 9th, 2007. I've heard a few Crowes concerts from this year's tour but this one really jumped out at me. The sound quality, cool location, and the addition of North Mississippi Allstars frontman Luther Dickenson make this a very memorable recording. The only thing that could have made it better for me would be adding "Hard to Handle" to the set list, but it's pretty tough to complain with all the other great tracks.

Taper: amaro
Source: Peluso CEMC-6 (ck-4)>silvers>Oade W+mod UA-5>S/pdif>Microtrack
Location: Tapers Section behind soundboard LOC

Song listing
1) Sting Me
2) Jealous Again
3) Sometimes Salvation
4) My Morning Song
5) Remedy

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the show
The Black Crowes - Morrison, CO - 09/09/07  

Support the artist in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Greatest Hits 1990-1999   Live at the Greek
  Shake Your Money Maker
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The Black Crowes are currently touring so check tour dates here

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_010.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:44pm EST

Complementing the last podcast of DMB at the Gorge I am featuring the opening act from 2 of the 3 nights, Robert Randolph and the Family Band. The taper is the same as the DMB shows so you can expect a really great sounding recording and as a bonus a few members from DMB get on stage for the 09-02 set.

Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Gorge, WA - 09-01-07
Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Gorge, WA - 09-02-07

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 10:02pm EST

The ninth installment of the live music podcast brings in one of my favorite bands of all time, the Dave Matthews Band. For a live music lover this band truly caters to you. They have been touring yearly since the early 90s and always bring an A+ performance to each show. In Episode 8 I mentioned that this would be a special edition and the reason for that is that I am playing songs from 3 concerts instead of the usual. Since 2000 DMB has been playing a 3 night set at the Gorge Amphitheater in Washington state.

The Gorge is truly one of the DMB holy sites (including Red Rocks) that die hard Dave fans will travel hundreds of miles to go watch them play. Dave and the boys always give the fans an extra special performance when they play there. Not only do the biggest fans attend this show but also some of the best tapers. I have heard enough great Mike Vernal recordings that I keep an eye out for his name in the set details. Once again he delivers a spot on recording almost equal to the officially release Live at the Gorge CD that was from their 2002 tour.

Taper: Mike Vernal Source: Neumann KM140s > Lunatec V2 > Sound Devices 722 (24/96) Location: Section B, Row 26, Seats 1 & 2

Song listing
1) Corn Bread
2) #27
3) Smooth Rider*
4) Eh Hee
5) All Along the Watchtower*

* with Robert Randolph

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following links to download the rest of the shows
Dave Matthews Band - Gorge, WA - 08/31/07
Dave Matthews Band - Gorge, WA - 09/01/07
Dave Matthews Band - Gorge, WA - 09/02/07  

Support the artist in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Weekend on the Rocks   Live at the Gorge
  Live at Fenway Park
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DMB is currently touring so check tour dates here

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_009.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:34pm EST

Sticking with the folk theme from the last podcast episode, this stream is a radio interview with the New Zealand comedy duo the Flight of the Conchords. If you've been following their new HBO series you probably have heard all of these songs before. For those new to the Conchords, their repertoire includes catchy tunes with absolutely hilarious lyrics. This combination has earned them the self proclaimed title of 4th most popular folk parody group from New Zealand. The HBO series is now over but hopefully they will have a US tour sometime soon. Until then you can get your FOTC fix by listening to the interview below and by picking up their latest EP.

Song Listing
1) Part-Time Model
2) A Kiss Is Not a Contract
3) All the Ladies in the World
4) Think About It, Think Think About It

Follow the link below to listen to the radio interview
Flight of the Conchords - NPR World Cafe - 07/05/07.

Support this artist by buying CDs and watching them live!
The Distant Future  
Purchase on Itunes  

For more Flight of the Conchords check out their video podcast which features episodes 1 and 4 from the HBO series as well as extra clips.

Also, check out their documentary A Texan Odyssey, which follows the Conchords on their visit to the South By Southwest festival in Austin, TX.

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Welcome once again to the Live Music Podcast episode #8 (the Ocho). Technical difficulties delayed the release of this episode but hopefully it will be worth the wait. For this episode I am featuring Todd Snider, who is a fantastic singer/songwriter out of Nashville. Mr. Snider's style of music doesn't make the radio waves very often, but in my humble opinion he is at the top of the food chain for folk singers. His live performances are chalked full of some great story telling both in the songs and between them. He also tackles song themes that you won't find on the latest bubblegum popstar's CD. Another interesting note about Todd Snider is that he plays his shows with bare feet (it doesn't get much more folk than that). I'm not sure if you will be able to notice the lack of shoes on this performance from September 17, 2006 but at least it sounds really good.

Taper: toddow
Source: Source: SBD > Edirol UA-5 mod (44.1kHz, 16bit) > NJB3 > WAV

Song listing
1) Can't Complain
2) Just Like Old Times
3) Devil You Know
4) Highland Street Incident
5) Doublewide Blues
6) Enjoy Yourself
7) Alright Guy

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Todd Snider - Dayton, OH - 09/17/06 

Support the artist in this podcast by buying CDs and watching him live!
Near Truths and Hotel Rooms Live   The Devil You Know
  That Was Me
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Todd Snider is currently touring so check tour dates for him here

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_008.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

So I'm back from vacation and am very excited to post episode #7 of the LMP featuring G. Love and Special Sauce. This concert was recorded at the House of Blues in San Diego, January 31, 2007 by way of the sound board and as you might expect it is very high quality. If you are new to G. Love, his style crosses genres all the way from blues to hip hop, but there really isn't a single definition for it. This recording really stood out to me because of the great sound and also the guest tracks featuring San Diego natives Slightly Stoopid and Tristan Prettyman.

Taper: Timothy Brown
Source: MBHO-KA200Ns(ORTF,~8'on stand)->MBHO-603As->Edirol R4 (24 Bit @ 96 kHz)

Song listing
1) Rappin Beats
2) Don't Drop It
3) Back Of the Bus
4) Banger
5) Still Hangin Around
6) Sunshine
7) Mellow Mood
8) Paid In Full/Just a Friend/Jam

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
G Love & Special Sauce - San Diego, CA - 01/31/07 

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Lemonade   The Hustle
  Best Of
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They are currently touring so check tour dates for G. Love & Special Sauce and get out to see them.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_007.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 8:15pm EST

Episode #6 of the LMP features Jason Mraz and company from their 2006 fall tour. If you've never heard Mr. A-Z live you will be in for a pleasant treat. This show, at least, is a more stripped down version of his songs than you might hear on the radio (and it works very well). Jason's voice really shines when you pair it up with some acoustic guitars and a conga drum. This concert also features the talents of another singer/songwriter, Raul Midon, whose voice really matches up well with Jason's.  If you want to hear a good example of this check out Midon's song Keep on Hoping which can be downloaded on Itunes here .

Jason and his band also know how to have a good time on stage and the crowd that night was more than willing to follow along. At one point in the concert they stop the music to play something called the Song Game. In the Song Game, Jason asks the audience to come up with several phrases and he then uses those to spontaneously create a song. I didn't include this in the podcast because it would take up too much time but it is definitely worth downloading the full show to listen to it.

I'll stop my rambling about this one and let you form your own opinion about it. Hope you enjoy!

Taper: Timothy Brown
Source: MBHO-KA200Ns(ORTF,~8'on stand)->MBHO-603As->Edirol R4 (24 Bit @ 96 kHz)

Song listing
1) Plane
2) The Remedy (Wonderwall)
3) I'll Do Anything (One Love)
4) I'm Yours
5) 0% Interest

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Podcast #6: Jason Mraz - Kutztown, PA - 10/21/06 

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Tonight Not Again (Live)   Recorded Live At Java Joe's
  Mr A-Z
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If you happen to be in Europe in the next few weeks they are currently on tour! The rest of us will have to wait until they post a few more tour dates here .

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_006.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 9:22pm EST

Here are some of my favorite downloads from the last month or so, hope you like them too!

John Butler Trio - San Francisco, CA - 06/24/07
Smashing Pumpkins - Asheville, NC - 07/02/07
Rusted Root - Kansas City, MO - 07/19/07
Ben Folds - Hershey, PA - 07/21/07

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

I intentionally left off one of the concerts from Bonnaroo on my last post since I absolutely had to feature it in my next podcast episode. Every year at Bonnnaroo there has been a Superjam where artists from different bands and styles of music come together. It really symbolizes the diverse array of styles on display at Bonnaroo and always ends up being an awesome show. It goes to show you that truly great musicians can adapt to play with just about anyone and produce great sounding music.

My mouth salivated when I saw the lineup for this year's Superjam: on lead guitar and vocals Ben Harper, on drums ?uestlove of the Roots, and on bass the legendary John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin. This ensemble truly lived up to the name of Superjam. The week after Bonnaroo I scoured the net and almost had given up hope on finding this one. Last week, however, I found a link on to download my holy grail of tapings. After listening to it several times since then I can assure you that it definitely lived up to my hype and was worth the effort.

As you might expect they cover a lot of Zeppelin and throw in quite a few extended jams. This concert is in an early lead for taping of the year for me, so give it a listen and see if you agree.

Song listing
1) Good Times Bad Times
2) Ramble On
3) Superstitious
4) Them Changes
5) It's Your Thing

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Bonnaroo Superjam - Manchester, TN - 06/16/07 

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Ben Harper - Live At Mars   The Roots Come Alive
  Led Zeppelin II
Purchase on Itunes   Purchase on Itunes        

Check tour dates for Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals and the Roots.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_005.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

The Bonnaroo Music and Arts festival held annually in Manchester, TN is easily the most recorded music festival on the planet. Not only does this festival show case some of the best music around, but most of the bands are kind enough to allow fans to record their performances.

This year was definitely no exception featuring many of the usual suspects such as Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals, Gov't Mule, and Widespread Panic as well as some new comers to the festival like the Police, Wolfmother, and the White Stripes. It is pretty cool to see how varied the line-up is each year and great to see the number of fans that continue to make the trip. There are a lot more shows out there from Bonnaroo 2007 so if you want to find more check out and UPDATE: A nearly complete list of all shows can be found here.

Gov't Mule 6/16/07 - NAK700 FOB - Best AUD source - KILLER!
The Police - Bonnaroo - Manchester, TN - Schoeps mk4
Widespread Panic 2007-06-17 Bonnaroo (dpa4023's)
Wolfmother2007-06-17Bonnaroo Which Stage Jimbo 4v
The White Stripes - Manchester, TN - 6-17-07 (DPA 4061s)

Here are a few Bonnaroo compilation mix CDs, which are a good way to hear some more great live music.
Live from Bonnaroo 2002   Live from Bonnaroo 2003
  Bonnaroo Music Festival 2004
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Purchase on Itunes            

Thanks to all the bands for making this year's Bonnaroo possible!

Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

The Barenaked Ladies are another great live band and easily my favorite Canadian band (sorry Rush). I started listening to them probably about 10 years ago so I wasn't around for the early years. The word on the street, however, is that they built their fan base through lots of touring and word of mouth. This is usually a good sign that they are a great live band and definitely is true for BNL. For me the combination that really works for them is their ability to have fun on stage and their great musical talent. It's almost impossible not to have a good time listening to them play.

Last fall they came out with a new CD titled "Barenaked Ladies Are Me" and this concert was taped during a promotional tour for that CD. As you might expect a good majority of the songs that they play are from this CD and fortunately the new songs are really good. Also for those of you opposed to change they throw in a few of the hits as well.

Song Listing
1) Bull in a China Shop
2) Sound of Your Voice
3) Some Fantastic
4) Easy
5) Home
6) Wind It Up
7) Old Apartment

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Barenaked Ladies - Philadelphia, PA - 09/15/06.

Support this artist by buying CDs and watching them live!
Barenaked Ladies Are Me   Rock Spectacle
  Disc One: All Their Greatest Hits 1991-2001
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Check tour dates for the Barenaked Ladies

You can also find live performances from the Barenaked ladies here

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 11:08pm EST

I almost hate to admit it, but Episode #4 features a band that I have only been listening to fairly recently. The reason I say that is that the John Butler Trio really should have been in my CD player a while ago considering their style matches so close to bands like Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, and G Love and Special Sauce which I am huge fans of.  Another reason that they should have been in my CD player is that they are really damn good. 

I was fortune enough to see these guys live at Wakarusa this year and really got to see an excellent performance.  This Australian trio really has a good variety of songs to get your toes tapping.  I especially enjoy their up tempo song Funky Tonight which is, as the name suggests, quite funky.

Song listing
1) Daniella
2) Gov' Did Nothing
3) Zebra
4) Good Excuse
5) Better Than
6) Funky Tonight

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
John Butler Trio - Lawrence, KS - 06/09/07 

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Grand National   Sunrise Over Sea
  Live at Saint Gallen
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They are currently touring so check tour dates for the John Butler Trio and get out to see them, you won't regret it.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_004.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

I recently picked up the new Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur CD and was very pleased with my purchase. Not only is this a great CD to listen to, the proceeds go to help out the victims of the tragedy facing Darfur so you really can't go wrong buying this one.

This CD features covers of songs written by John Lennon performed by artists from many genres. While not all the tracks are guaranteed to float your boat, almost anyone is bound to find some favorites. Personally, I enjoyed U2 covering Instant Karma, Jack Johnson on Imagine, and Regina Spektor's take of Real Love. To be perfectly honest though, I can listen to both CDs without skipping any tracks.

Instant Karma

Click here to purchase this CD from Itunes

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 10:25pm EST

Ray LaMontagne's popularity has grown exponentially since I first heard his music a couple years ago. This rise in popularity can easily be attributed to some fantastic songs on both his studio CDs.  It's also impossible to deny that the passion he puts into his performances has propelled him equally as much. Ray has one of those unique voices which can hold it's own without the aid of fancy effects or powerful guitars and is immediately recognizable.

NPR continues to amaze me with the selection of live performances that they host on their site and I was pleasantly surprised to find one of Ray's shows there. Although there are a few technical issues throughout the show, Ray still manages to pull off an enthralling set that leaves you wanting more.

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Ray LaMontagne - Washington, D.C. - 12/11/06.

Support this artist by buying CDs and watching them live!
Trouble   Till the Sun Turns Black
  Live From Bonnaroo 2005
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Check tour dates for Ray LaMontagne

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

Episode #3 brings one of my favorite artists of all time to the Live Music Podcast, Jack Johnson. This recording comes all the way from Le Zenith in Paris, France and sounds just as good or better than ones I've heard in the states.  If you aren't a big fan of crowd noise you might notice a lot of clapping and singing along, but on this one it really adds to energy rather than being a distraction.  Another thing that makes this concert special is the addition of several members from ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) sitting in with the band.  Jack's songs really come alive with a little help from a piano, harmonica, and even accordion.  Plus they mix in several very interested cover songs to keep you on your tows.  Enjoy the show!

Song listing
1) Banana Pancakes
2) Do You Remember
3) Bubble Toes
4) Wasting Time
5) Belle
6) Girl I Wanna Lay You Down
7) Mudfootball
8) The Horizon Has Been Defeated
9) Good People

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Jack Johnson - Paris, France - 03/06/06 

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Check tour dates for Jack Johnson

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_003.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:43pm EST

I have made the decision to add a new category to my blog and I am calling it "New Downloads".  This category became necessary to me when I found that I didn't have time to create a podcast for all the great new shows I've been downloading, but I still wanted to have the ability to share them.  Especially now that summer is rolling around the tapers have been very busy and live shows are coming in much more frequently. 

For the first posting in this category I decided to make it a themed post around the Wakarusa festival near Lawrence, KS.  For those of you unfamiliar with this festival it is basically a 4 day camping, music, and arts festival which brings together lots of great bands from many genres, but primarily focusing around the jam band scene.  Below you will find links to performances by Widespread Panic, Les Claypool and his Fancy Band, North Mississippi Allstars, and more.

As always you can support these artists by buying CDs and watching them live!

Les Claypool and his Fancy Band, 6-10-07 Wakarusa Festival Sun-Down Stage
Ozomatli 2007-06-09 - Wakarusa Music Festival - Neumann KM140
Medeski, Martin & Wood - 6/10/2007 Wakarusa - Onstage KM143
Galactic 2007-06-08 Wakarusa Lawrence, KS.flac24
Widespread Panic - Wakarusa - 2007-06-09 - AKG 483 > V3
Yonder Mountain String Band 6-8-07 Revival Tent, Wakarusa Festival, Lawrence, KS
North Mississippi Allstars 2007-06-07 Wakarusa Lawrence, KS.flac24

A special thanks goes out to all the tapers for making this possible.
Category:New Downloads -- posted at: 11:39pm EST

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Once you have subscribed, new podcasts will automatically be downloaded!
Category:Other -- posted at: 6:46am EST

Episode #2 of the Live Music Podcast features a recent concert from Robert Randolph and the Family Band. I had the opportunity to see this one live and I can tell you that this was an awesome show from the moment they took the stage to the end of the encore. I met up with one of the tapers before the show and was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded it from

Song listing
1) Diane
2) Shake Your Hips
3) Homecoming
4) Peekaboo
5) Deliver Me

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Robert Randolph and the Family Band - Kansas City, MO - 05/04/07 

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Check tour dates for Robert Randolph

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_002.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:16pm EST

This edition of the featured stream is a throwback edition to one of my favorite bands from the classic rock era, the Steve Miller Band.  With many hit songs to their name and countless tours under their belt, this band continues to be a fantastic live act to this day. 

This stream is featured courtesy of Wolfgang's Vault, which is a great site for listening to live music from some of the greatest rock bands of all time.  Some concerts can also be download, which will run about $10, including this one.

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Steve Miller Band - New York, NY - 05/07/76.

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Check tour dates for the Steve Miller Band

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

The first episode of the Live Music Podcast features one of my favorite downloads of 2006, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. This is an outstanding recording of an equally great performance.  Even if you are not a fan of their music individually, you have to appreciate the energy that occurs between these two when they jam together.  If you are already a fan you will probably enjoy versions of some of the newer Dave Matthews Band songs.

Song listing
1) Old Dirt Hill
2) Gravedigger
3) So Damn Lucky
4) Down By The River
5) Smooth Rider
6) Save Me

If you enjoyed this podcast click the following link to download the rest of the show
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Las Vegas, NV - 10/27/06 

You will need to install a bit torrent client and the FLAC front-end for this download.  For links to the required applications and instructions to use them check out my Instructions for Downloading Live Music page.

Support the artists in this podcast by buying CDs and watching them live!
Tim Reynolds
  Dave & Tim
Live at Luther
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Some Devil
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Check tour dates for Dave Matthews Band and Tim Reynolds

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_001.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

Regina Spektor is one of my favorite new musician's and her live performance on NPR's Live Concert Series does not disappoint.  This concert's mix of quirky lyrics, piano melodies, and beautiful vocals make this my first pick for the Feature Stream section.

Follow the link below to listen to the full concert
Regina Spektor - Washington, D.C. - 10/03/06.

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Begin To Hope   Soviet Kitsch
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Check tour dates for Regina Spektor

Category:Feature Streams -- posted at: 5:49pm EST

sAlbum Griffin House is a new artist that I found with one of the those Itunes recommendedations when looking up Ray Lamontagne. That right there is reason enough to check out this CD, but beyond that I think that Griffin House a great artist and I think that, like Ray Lamontagne from about 2 years ago, he is about to get a lot more popular. You can listen to a lot of his music directly from his website. If you dig his style, I'd recommend buying "Lost & Found" below.
Lost and Found More...
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Check tour dates for Griffin House

Category:Album Picks -- posted at: 3:28pm EST