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October 2009
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Background music for this podcast provided courtesy of the Charlie Hunter Trio and Ropeadope Records

Follow the links below to purchase this track!

Charlie Hunter Trio
Cueball Bobbin

A portion of the sales from this page will be used to pay for hosting fees. The Live Music Podcast thanks you in advance for your support!

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:45am EDT

So you may be asking your why is there a blog post featuring Philip Glass studio tracks on a site that is supposed to be about live music?  Two reasons.  First, when I find something free and good on the internets I like to share it with as many people as I can.  Secondly you may be slightly surprised to find out that one of his compositions has been featured on a Live Music Podcast episode.  If you listen to Pearl Jam's intro for Episode 53 you will hear his song Metamorphisis (unfortunately it is not on the sampler).

The Orange Mountain Music Philip Glass Sampler Vol.I

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:33pm EDT

I watched the blue-ray for this concert at a friend's house last night and was blown away by maybe the best encore imaginable. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones joined the Foo Fighters for insane covers of Rock and Roll and Ramble On. I can't even imagine what it would have been like to see that about getting your money's worth.

Foo Fighters Live at Wembley Stadium           More from Amazon...
DVD Version        

Category:Other -- posted at: 1:12pm EDT

I’m sure by now most people have found one or two albums from the year that have found their way on repeat more than the rest. Even though the year is far from over its pretty safe to say that I have declared my winners. The first album that really stood out for me was The Dead Weather’s debut ‘Horehound’. Although I was first disappointed to hear that the Raconteurs wouldn’t be touring again. Jack White’s new project did not disappoint and easily swooped in to fill the void. This album is rock solid all the way through and, yes, I am working on finding a concert to podcast.

The second album I picked up just recently and first came into my radar on the Austin City Limits free sampler that I blogged about in my Big Ass Austin City Limits post. This short exposure to Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears was quickly followed up by reading about their performance from the festival, in of all places, a blog on ESPN. If you are into music, basketball or just like reading witty musings check out Paul Shirley’s blog on ESPN’s The Life, where I read his first hand account of the festival. I used to watch Paul play forward for the Iowa State Cyclones, but I think even non alums can appreciate his entertaining articles. I do feel slightly bad for the people trying to watch the festival from behind him.

The music for this episode comes from a concert that Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears played in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 15th earlier this year. If you like the music of James Brown its almost a sure bet that you will dig these guys. The sound quality of this recording is a tad gritty compared to some of the other shows I’ve posted but seems to fit the type of gritty soul music that this band plays.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears - Charlotte, NC - 6/15/09 

Song Listing
1) Boogie
2) Sugarfoot
3) Big Booty Woman
4) I'm Broke
5) Black Snake
6) Hound Dog Taylor Jam
7) Gunpowder
8) Bobby Booshay
9) Booty City
10) Bitch, I Love You
11) About Jimmy Tapes
12) Please Pt. Two

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
Tell 'Em What Your Name Is!   Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears EP
  Black Joe Lewis EP
    Purchase on Itunes        

Check out tour dates for Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_054.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 10:37pm EDT

Apparently my memory is already starting to fail me.  If the music from Episode 53 sounded a little familiar it's because I had already featured the exact same concert on Episode 30.  A few of the songs were different but the majority were in both episodes.  On the bright side this may be the best audience recording of any band I have ever heard, so if I'm going to post a concert twice I'm glad it was this one. 

To make up for the lack of new content here are several Pearl Jam recordings I was also considering for this episode. 

Pearl Jam - Chicago, IL - 8/23/09
Pearl Jam - Chicago, IL - 8/24/09
Pearl Jam - Seattle, WA - 9/21/09
Pearl Jam - Seattle, WA- 9/22/09

Sorry for the mix up and be ready for a brand new concert next week!
Category:Other -- posted at: 8:55pm EDT

The Austin City Limits Music Festival starts today and luckily for all of us non-attenders Hulu will be streaming it live.  I'm especially looking forward to Sunday night with Relentless 7 and The Dead Weather. 

Watch the Webcast

Here are a few other related links as well...enjoy

Austin City Limits' New Season Schedule
Download the Free ACL Sampler on Itunes

Category:Other -- posted at: 11:27am EDT

I first want to thank everyone who has become a Facebook Fan of the Live Music Podcast. Becoming a fan is a small way that you can show your support of the site and also find out who else is listening. If you are not a fan yet and would like to become one check out the Facebook gadget on the right side of the homepage, its pretty hard to miss. Another new way that everyone can show your support is by filling out a quick survey. This survey will be used by my hosting site to determine potential advertisers and literally takes less than 1 minute to complete. I need a minimum of 250 responses to be counted so thanks in advance for your help on this.

The musical talent for this show is truly one of the great ones. I say that about a lot of bands but for this one there are almost 20 years of consistently great music and millions of sold concert tickets and albums to back me up. They also have a new album out so it was pretty hard not to pick Pearl Jam for this episodes featured band. These natives of Seattle were in especially pure form the day of June 14th 2008 in Manchester, TN. This was of course the 7th installment of the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival and this taping really capture all of the excellence that a Pearl Jam concert can be. Even the sound quality of this recording is superb and the crowd noise to a minimum. I’m not even sure how this was possible since clearly from the amount of crowd singing on songs like Better Man they were picked up on the mics perfectly. Eddie Vedder was even impressed with the singing ability of the crowd to stop for a moment and acknowledge them. I thought he might even pull out the “pretty good singing there” quote.

Take the Live Music Podcast listener survey here!

Pearl Jam - Manchester, TN - 6/14/08 

Song Listing
1) Hard To Imagine
2) All Night
3) Why Go
4) Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
5) 1/2 Full
6) Animal
7) Daughter
8) W.M.A.
9) Better Man
10) Black
11) Alive

Backspacer Notice:
Currently you can only purchase Backspacer at Target and download it from Itunes which in my opinion is total crap. I hate to dig on a band after I have just listened to a free live recording but this type of exclusive deal bullshit is making things even harder on independently owned record stores that are already dying out at a tremendous rate in this economy. This is a very strange move for one of the most notorious anit-corporation bands around who even took on the all powerful Ticketmaster back in the day. The good news is that the rest of the stores will carry the new release on October 13th so if you haven’t already bought it I recommend holding off and finding it at your favorite music store. I’m hoping that if enough people backlash against exclusive releases then artists will figure out that they are a bad idea and if I might say even un-American.

Support the artists by buying music and watching them live!
  Backspacer   Live on Two Legs
    Ten (Deluxe Edition)

Check out tour dates for Pearl Jam here.

Direct download: livemusicpodcast_053.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 7:21pm EDT